First off, i would like to make my point clear. I am NOT biased to WAR in any way. I like the game, Play the game, have an active subscription set up, and will continue to play it as long as it stays somewhat good.
Ok, getting to the point of the post. Warhammer. Alot of people have ran out to grab their pre-orders the moment that they found out that the beta had started sending more and more people into it. While many gamers would have loved to be involved in the beta, no one could actually tell who was and who was just lying about it due to the NDA. But, even after, they announced that if you were not lucky enough to get into the closed beta, there was a chance to get into the open beta with the purchase of a Pre-Order.
Well, I myself, ran out asap and picked up a pre-order, as did a lot of other people, which im sure also ran out to grab it also. Maybe this game did the trick and turned up the fire underneath the MMO community? But, it has also stirred up the WoW Collective's nest with many "AMG! THATS THE SAME AS WOW" statements. But, let me assure you, there is barely any similarity involved with the two.
First off, the classes. You have your basic holy trinity of all the races with the game. Each race has its own Healer, Tank and DPS class. But, as im sure everyone knows, the game was stripped of most peoples favorite classes before launch (Blackgaurd and Orc Choppa). That being said and done, not much was lost, as the game is still very great to play, the classes available are all fun, and surprisingly, even after the rush release, its very stable! (Aside from a handful of people still getting crash errors.)
So, here are the details. The basic UI.As you can see from the basic UI, the game is different. Though, most people will argue that "Oh, well, look! there are action bars! WoW had them long before Warhammer did!"
Well, son, go look at Everquest. and Final Fantasy Online. I'm sure they copied from WoW too, didn't they? Stfu & drink your juice.
Anyways, this UI is slightly different from "WoW"s main UI, yet more customizable. They give you the option to move about things, make them large, and re-order the things as you seem fit. The action bars function in nearly the same way and most other online games, although some things can be said to be different. The chat log, is different. While almost ALL chat comments are the same color, about the only things that are different is Guild (/g) and Party (/p). That being said, im sure Warband (Raids) and other types are different. Even the fabled "BG" chat that no one seems to use due to its non-functionality. Keep in mind, that you will notice these chat log features IF you can get people to talk in this game, As you seem to be playing with a bunch of in game Mutes, who also happen to be monks that have taken a vow of silence. I'm serious folks. It gets quiet in this game if you don't have a vent server full of friends screaming at how OP a dragon that just hit for 9k is.
Now on to the attacks. My class, which is a Zealot, can be referred to a shadow priest, paired with a druid, and a Warlock all in one, but for some reason has the AOE's of a mage also...
The Zealot, is a caster class, diriving its power from the might wizard god Tzeetch, who also happens to be one of the most powerful magical gods in the Warhammer universe. This casting class, happens to be a healer. So, if your in for damage dealing, check out the other classes, namely the Dark Elves. Anyways, with a large assortment of heals, you also get some AOE's.Well, the AOE spell that i am using here, is similar to a Mage's Arcane Explosion, but also is just a DD (Direct Damage) which reached out WAY farther. This attack is a cast, so its kinda hard to cast when people are wailing on you up close. Which also should not happen, might i mention. You are a healer. Act like one. Put up a bubble and run away and hope your groupmates are smart enough to come to your aid. Cause im sure most of us know, when the healer falls, Game Over.
On to other interesting changes and different aspects, the dying system. Everyone dies in games. Its a said nature. Unless of course, your rocking GOD mode, with all levels unlocked, all weapons, ammo, etc. Then, games aren't your bag, you just like to win. Go load some dice. Besides, there are no cheats for MMO's.Anyways, the system of death in this game is similar to a FPS. You die. You hit "Respawn" and then you wait for a respawn timer. And every time you die, you get a death debuff that ails you in some way. (Doesn't pertain to me, so i don't care. But, for people who do, i think its decreased defense and hitpoints / strength).
Next, would be the loot system. Now, this game has some awesome features, like the ability to publicly group, and join any open group in your area for "Public Quests". These quests are convenient to the extreme. No pickup point, No Turn in point, hell, all you need to do is walk into the area that has one going on, and your doing it...whether you like it or not...While to some people, its an issue, others its a kinda cool reminder that "hey! i can do this and get free gear AND exp!". So, if your in the area, why not just take a minute to help out, win some gear, get some EXP and influence?
Also, Influence, is a type of "Honor' system that you can use to purchase some kinda good rewards from a Influence vendor. Sometimes they are good. But sadly, most of the Zealot gear is worthless in comparison to what i have already picked up.
Whats that? I never touched on the loot system? Well, i really can only explain it in another picture...
Thats right kiddys...cry out wow copy all you want...Simple need, greed and pass on the items. Oh, one more thing, its also like wow in colors too.
- White = Common
- Green = Uncommon
- Blue = Rare
- Purple = EPICZ
- Orange = ?? (Not sure if its there...)
Now lets get on my personal favorite part of this review. The Graphics.
Another fine tidbit to add in there, the flames are dynamic as well. So, as the flames flicker and flutter with the wind, you see the ripples in light along your character and such. VERY neat.
One last bit, is the aspect of clouds. Not just a
Also, the trees and smoke from the bonfires. In the picture, you can see some black smoke coming up from a burning pile of corpses on the left. And that big puff of smoke above the "WAAGGHH!!" monument? Well, that happens to be the blowing smoke from a burning village behind me. The amount of effects in this game is well enough to make you want to run into your livingroom, smack you parents on the face, do a jig, and run back into your room screaming the banana phone song.
So, next time you hear some people talking bad about this game, and complaining how this game is such a copy of WoW, point them to this review, and tell them to shut their mouth with their blasphomey.
Also, be sure to check out my Youtube channel. It normally has some funny things to look at, and some reports that i don't feel like typing the long review.
As always, Keep on living the gaming life.