Player's Perspective Gaming

The random thoughts, reports, and news that Myself, and whoever else wants to, decides to WRITE. Please keep in mind, i would like to remain as unbiased on some issues as possible, and if you have any questions or comments, send them and ill write out the answers!

The first 10 minutes of God of War 3

Posted by Superthrust On 7:02 PM 0 comments

While many of the gaming community is drooling over the new Battlefield Bad Company game out, There are more “Ancient” enemies lurking in the fiery depths of Hades. Yes, I am referring to God of War 3. While some of you were lucky enough to receive a very nice beta invite to this jewel of a game back around November of 2009, most of us are able to play it now due to our pre-order of the God of War 3 Ultimate Edition.

This video happens to be the first 10 minutes of the FULL game, which has been leaked in Germany…And you saw it here first on Gaming Bolt Player's Perspective. (Please Note, I was a writer for the Gaming Bolt community, and I was removed from the team for asking not to be bossed around like a slave, and for a little decency or pay. The administrator did not like that, and sent me away.

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