Player's Perspective Gaming

The random thoughts, reports, and news that Myself, and whoever else wants to, decides to WRITE. Please keep in mind, i would like to remain as unbiased on some issues as possible, and if you have any questions or comments, send them and ill write out the answers!

New Sharing System!

Posted by Superthrust On 7:49 PM 0 comments

I've added the new sharing system to the website. If there are any issues, let me know out there!

In order to share a story, for now, click the story you would like to share, then at the top, press which way you would like to share it. (digg, facebook, twitter, etc).

By the way, if anyone happens to know how to make the sharebars appear at the bottom of each post rather than the top of the whole website, please let me know.


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